Money answers for you
Wherever you are on your financial journey, we are here to help.

Commercial Banking Relationship Officer
North Idaho Administrative Office
1250 W Ironwood Dr, Ste 102
Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814
NMLS #570260
The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, they say. That's not always the case, Corey says. After more than 20 years of helping people live well financially, Corey knows that sometimes the solution requires an outside-the-box strategy.
That’s why he is so valuable to the North Idaho business owners and real estate investors he works with every day. He invests time in gaining a genuine understanding of their goals and desires. Then he crafts a creative, customized solution for each person he works with.
With an MBA from Eastern Oregon University and a wealth of experience, Corey invests in the community. Second Harvest and Junior Achievement are among his go-to causes. Away from work, Corey gains inspiration and joy exploring the hills, forests, and rivers of the Pacific Northwest.