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Meet Amber,
the Branch Manager

Amber Marlow headshot



For more than two decades, Amber’s career has been about prioritizing people. Every day, Numerica members benefit from her service expertise and wealth of financial insight.

She and the Sullivan team help members live well by:

  • Deepening relationships with every interaction
  • Matching lending solutions to unique needs
  • Helping build or rebuild credit

Amber leads with heart, focused on growing her team’s potential through mentorship and skill development. And she leads with community, putting the member experience front and center every day.

Amber holds a master’s in management and leadership from Western Governors University. She’s also an Eagle, earning her undergraduate degree from Eastern Washington University. Dedicated to giving back, she serves on the HUB Sports Center board.

Amber loves golfing, boating, skiing — anything with the family. Their cabin in the Canadian wilderness is a favorite escape. Oh, and if she challenges you to a game of Cribbage, think twice. It’s her favorite, and we know for a fact she has a stellar eye for numbers.

Today's Rates

September 7, 2024