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Break the cycle of impulse buying! Explore the triggers and emotions behind unplanned purchases and follow 10 simple tips to regain control of your spending.*
You just bought the latest must-have sweater making the rounds on TikTok. Your adrenaline rush is fading fast. Now, you’re not even sure you like it. And you’ve blown your budget. So why did you buy it?
Don’t be too hard on yourself. Impulse buying is a tough habit to break — retailers stack the odds against you. Read on to learn about the emotions behind impulse buying and 10 tips to break the habit.
An impulse purchase is anything you buy that you hadn’t planned to.
On the surface, the difference between wants and needs seems simple.
But it can be easy to confuse the two. Sometimes, wants can feel like needs. Like when you’re grocery shopping. You need food — but you don’t always need the more expensive brand names. A “buy two, get one free” sale may make you feel like you need to buy more of something. But you don’t. Food shopping is one of the top places where impulse buying happens.
If impulse buying feels like a vicious cycle of emotional highs and lows, that’s because it is.
That rush you get when you snag a bargain? It’s real — and also known as dopamine. A neurotransmitter, dopamine helps control the brain’s reward and pleasure centers. It’s where we visualize rewards and decide to take action to move toward them. Surges in dopamine can begin when we think about shopping. Meaning, it’s not just the final purchase, but the thrill of the hunt that makes us feel good.
Ever bought something as a reward for a job well done? Or ordered takeout because your day was awful and the thought of cooking or doing dishes made you want to cry? How your day goes is a major factor in impulse spending. Which of the below are times you’ve found yourself impulse buying?
Buyer’s remorse sets in when you realize you don’t need what you just bought. Buyer’s remorse can feel like anxiety, guilt, regret, even shame. As awful as it sounds, try to remember how you feel in these moments. Then, the next time you’re about to hit “buy,” call these feelings back up. Ask yourself: Is the dopamine making me buy this? Is it worth it?
Triggering your gotta-have-it impulse is a big goal for retailers. Whether online or in-store, retailers craft everything to nudge you to buy more. This includes sales promotions, the store’s layout, the checkout experience, and more. Retailers try to trigger our fear of missing out (FOMO) response by:
No matter how much you make, creating a spending plan is a must. With a budget, you’re in control of your money.
Cut back the content you get from retailers. It’s normal to “follow” places you frequent. But adjust your communication settings. That way, you aren’t tempted 24/7. Get one email a month rather than weekly. Mute Instagram stories and feeds. Tap “not interested” on TikTok reels.
Don’t go grocery shopping if you’re hungry or thirsty. Take stock of your emotional state when you’re scrolling. Refocus your energy to other things you may want. Your body also craves sleep, fresh air, and time away from screens.
Wait 24 hours before buying an unplanned item. How much you “need” that item a day later may surprise you. If you don’t buy it, empty your cart. You might still get those, “Hey, you forgot this item and now it’s on sale!” emails. Delete them.
Smaller purchases can be even easier to impulse buy. Consider pausing 1 minute for every dollar you’re spending. Costs $15? Wait 15 minutes. Give yourself breathing time.
Add up your unplanned purchases each month. Include all hidden costs, like taxes, shipping, and gas to get to that impulse-buy concert. Receipts are a healthy reminder of the true costs of impulsive buying behavior.
Get rid of something similar to your new purchase. Bought shoes? Donate an old pair to charity. Bought a new jacket? Get rid of an old one. This can help you take stock of what you already own.
Write down the things that truly bring you joy. Before you buy something unplanned, read your gratitude journal. Ask yourself if this impulse buy brings you long-term joy — or if it’s the dopamine talking.
To make an occasional splurge really count, double down. Transfer the same amount you spent into your savings account. Even if it was $10, that money can add up. At double the price, it’s another way to decide if the purchase is worth it.
Bonus tip: If you turned down the splurge, transfer the money anyway. Put the same amount you would’ve spent into savings. Here, your money makes you more money. With Numerica’s Bonus Saver account, you can earn up to 2.05% APY on balances up to $2,500*.
Impulse spending on your credit card can rack up interest. Pay off your credit card bill each month. If you don’t, add those interest charges to the “true cost” of your impulse buy. And if retailers ask you to save your payment info online, say no. Typing in your information every time is a great gut-check if you need the item.
It’s OK to splurge every once in a while. And now that you know the emotions behind impulse buying and how retailers stack the deck, you can be more savvy. Check out our library for more resources about budgeting and managing your finances. Or connect with a Numerica team member to discuss options to help you save. Drop into your favorite branch or call 800.433.1837.
APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates effective as of 10/28/2024 and are subject to change after account opening. Fees may reduce earnings. Earn 2.05% APY on the first $2,500 when Bonus Saver qualifiers are met during each 6-month qualification cycle: (a) each month, deposit $25 or more to your Bonus Saver account (in aggregate), and (b) do not make any withdrawals from your Bonus Saver account. Earn 0.05% APY when both of the qualifiers are not met (non-qualifying rate) or on balances $2,500.01 and above. Earn 1.05% APY on the first $2,500 when one, but not both, of the Bonus Saver qualifiers are met. The minimum opening deposit required for this account is $25. Limit one Bonus Saver account per person. A monthly fee will be charged for paper statements (one fee per membership number). Members can avoid this fee by enrolling in eStatements for their accounts through Online Banking or the Mobile App. Please see Fee Schedule for more information.
This content has been provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a tax accountant, attorney, financial adviser, or loan representative. Information contained on this website does not constitute legal or tax advice. Any examples provided are for illustration only and may not apply to your situation. Since every situation is different, we recommend consulting with a trusted professional adviser regarding your specific needs.